Elchrom Columns


The physical properties of the target molecules (analytes) determine the most suitable HPLC column for a given separation. The molecular characteristics that impact HPLC column selection include hydrophobicity/ hydrophilicity, intermolecular forces (particularly dipole-dipole), intramolecular forces (ionic), and size. Amusingly, the hydrophobic mode of interaction is the heart of reverse phase chromatography.

9 out of 10 methods can be safely developed using a C18 HPLC column. Under the USP listing of Ll that is octadecylsilane, we can find over one hundred types of Ll columns which are unique in their own ways. To support the hydrophic mode of interaction, we hereby present ELCHROM HPLC Columns.

Silica particles for chromatography have a very high surface area, a property that is required for good analyte retention. Most of the surface area is contained in the internal pore structure of the silica particles which have over 99% of the available surface area. Elchrom columns are based on a unique ligand-binding technology that makes the maximum area available for retention. Additionally, it also has a distinctive way of gas Endcapping that brings out the real inertness to the column.

Elchrom is a high-performance column that doesn't quickly wear out or, more specifically, one that yields utilityover time rather than beingcompletely consumed rapidly.

Elchrom C18 columns are Perfect "all-purpose" columns for analytical use with High resolution of complex mixtures and Ideal retention.

Elchrom C18 columns are manufactured with ultra-pure and high surface area silica with three different bonding and Endcapping technologies. These columns have unique functionality and bonding technology to achieve excellent resolution, good peak symmetry and high performance.

Elchrom columns are designed to increase productivity, as they offer maximum load ability, excellent stability while maintaining superior resolution, consistent performance, uncompromising chromatography and have an extended lifetime even under the most demanding conditions. Elchrom C18 columns are an ideal choice for polar compounds.

ElChrom columns range from Elegance Life is an absolute solution to your method development need and generic methods; ElChrom series comprises of multiple chemistries with varying pH and carbon load values to give you a varying choice to improvise the method development capability. ElChrom columns are set at range to give the desired results but comes at an economical cost to match the need and offer a great overall solution.

ElChrom columns comes with the basic common specs makes it an easy to choose column for new methods and generic methods requiring a general spec to give consistent result with batch-to-batch reproducibility Elchrom columns are available in chemistries and specs as listed.

ElChrom Columns
Phase Particle size Pore Size Carbon load End capped PH Range USP
C18-LP 5 100 17 yes 1.0-8 L1
C8 5 100 9.5 yes 1.0-8 L7
C18-LC 5 100 13 yes 2.0-8 L1
C8 5 100 8.5 yes 2.0-8 L7
Phenyl 5 100 11.5 no 2.0-8 L11
C4 5 100 7 yes 2.0-8 L26
Aminopropyl LO 5 100 4 no 2.0-8 L8
CYANO LO 5 100 7 yes 2.0-8 L10
Diol 5 100 5 no 2.0-8 L20
Silica 5 LO 100 no 2.0-8 L3
GB-OEM 50mmx 4.6 mm LO 100 NA NA 2.0-8 NA

NOTE: For all the regular & customized dimensions along with their Price & Lead Time, drop an inquiry at sales@elegancels.com